Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sports Guy and the Waterboy Theory...

Now, as my loyal readers know, my pride and joy is The Waterboy Theory. I have cultivated it from a little sapling (as opposed to a giant sapling), lived with it through all the awkward teen years and have watched it grow into a collassal waste of time...errr theory that only my friends and family use. However, I hope that is all about to change:

In his current re-review of Rocky Balboa, the Sports Guy aka Bill Simmons, explained why people thought the movie was good (everything in bold and italics is taken from

1. Most people were expecting an epic train wreck and ended up being pleasantly surprised (and relieved) that it wasn't an epic train wreck. That's going to artificially skew any opinion, right? I just can't shake the feeling that everyone who liked the movie was inadvertently grading it on a pronounced curve.
For instance, let's say you have an uncle who became involved with a former stripper who cheated on him, became addicted to crystal meth, kept stealing from him and eventually bankrupted him before she was arrested for trying to run him over with a car. It was such a bad experience that he didn't date anyone else for five years and he's been in therapy the entire time. Then he announces to the family that he's showing up for Christmas with his new girlfriend ... and everyone in the family is completely terrified because he's had such horrible taste with women. What happens? He shows up with a nice enough girl who's friendly and really seems to like him. Maybe she's a C-plus under normal circumstances, but given your uncle's history, she feels like an A-minus and nobody can stop talking about how nice she is. And that's what happened with this last Rocky movie. If "Rocky V" was the crystal meth stripper, then "Rocky Balboa" was the C-plus girlfriend who felt like an A-minus.

Almost two years ago, I blogged about this very phenomenon: The Waterboy Theory. Click on the link to view the Theory if you haven't seen it before.

The general premise is very similar, albeit Simmons swayed from the actual movie and used an analogy. However, I still believe the Sports Guy described, to a T, The Waterboy Theory. I have sent the Sports Guy an e-mail and I hope Mr. Simmons will give credit where credit is due, and relate my theory, and homeless Sports Guy-id-ness, to his readers...

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