Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A dud undercover...

Alas, after taking my inspiration from Tyra Banks, my undercover work ended just like hers: short and poignantly unsubstantial.

I only made it with the 'Stache through about 5 hours; basically until Alison got home from work. When she got home, our conversation went something like this:

Alison: What are you wearing on your face?
Brent: smiles politely
Alison: You look like a porn star.
Brent: beams uncontrollably
Alison: A gay porn star.
Brent: beam fades to a look of forlorn defeat
Alison: And that mustache looks ridiculous too!
Brent: Frack!!

And with that, my experiment was over. I still don't know what it's like to really live with a mustache, all I know is that I don't want to live with a mustache in our house...

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