Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's a beautiful day in the KA house...

Andy is sweeping up the kitchen after dinner, singing merrily.
Andy: It's a beautiful day in the KA House,
A beautiful day for the KA House,
Would you please join?
Could you please join?
I have always wanted to have a brother just like you,
I've always wanted to live in KA House with you.
Won't you please,
Won't you please,
Please won't you be my brother?
Tim, a current member of KA, is sitting in his room. Andy glides from the kitchen into the room, continuing to sweep.
Andy: Hi KA brother, I'm glad we're together again....
Tim: Hey, douche. Aren't you like 29?
Andy: No, I'm only 28, but I looooove KA.
Tim: Hey, douche. Get the hell out of my room.
Andy: Actually, this used to be my room. Remind me to tell you all the wild times that Dave White, Mike Seminari and I had. One time, we actually (Andy starts laughing at the memory) we...actually got a keg for the house, but instead of having beer in it...we had ROOT beer!! Ha ha ha ha ha! Boy, did we pull one over on our brothers! High five!
Tim: I hate you so much.
Andy: Then I challenged Brad Snyder to a naked breezeway! And I won!
Brad Snyder walks through the door.
Snyder: Hey, I contested that win! We need to have a rematch!
Snyder and Andy start ripping off their clothes as all the current members begin to pull out knifes, guns, and brass knuckles...
: Get the hell out of our house!

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