Thursday, August 18, 2005

Breaking News!!

Now, you better be sitting down when you read this, or sitting in a chair like position. So, grab onto your hats, button up your coats and put the A/C on high because this is going to shock and awe you!

Randy Moss has smoked weed!!

Beep, beep, beep, beep. Wait a second. Back the truck up there. Weed? Moss? Are you kidding me? This is unfathomable. I'm in shock. I almost fell right on my liver when I read this. Yep...pretty unbelievable. Bryant Gumbel must have had a mole deep, deep into the Randy Moss congregation. God, he must have had pictures of Randy violating a pineapple to get him to admit such shocking information; on national TV no less!

Man, if this story hadn't worked out, here are some other possible breaking news items for Mr. Gumbel to report on:

~ It's not good for you to brush your teeth with pudding.
~ In the battle of peeing versus 'holding it', peeing will always win.
~ Dennis Haskins can't use the "Hey, I used to be Mr. Belding" line to pick up chicks.
~ The sky is blue.
~ Randy Moss smoked weed. (oops...too late)

Thank you, Mr. Gumbel, for keeping America informed of things that aren't totally obvious and tid-bits of information that even a blind man could see. It's because of people like you that the merry-go-round keeps spinning. I salute you!


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