Thursday, August 10, 2006

LCS? More like LBS.

Did anyone else have the misfortune of watching Last Comic Standing this season? Or did everyone else give up on the show early and my rant will fall on deaf ears. I hope everyone gave up on it, because when the highlight of the show is hoping Theo Von from Real World/Road Rules Challenge says one of his patented non-sensical quotes, you know you're watching some Lame Bull $@%^.

And that's what they probably should have called the show this year, because they got the Michael Dukakis's (or Michael Dukaki) of comedy to be on the show. It was like a bad episode of Elimidate; you don't want to watch, but you want to see how it ends.

So...without further ado...

Reasons this season of LCS blew donkey and why I won't watch next season
  1. Being handicapped does not make you funny - Yep...I'm talking to you Josh Blue. Just because you have a handicap, it doesn't make you funny. When every joke revolves around it, it makes it unwatchable. When your finisher involves you walking around like a spastic Cybill Shepard and reminscing about the boat, I want to slap you. There...I said it.
  2. America is full of morons - Again, Josh Blue, you caused America to vote for you because they felt sory. You should have been gone weeks ago, but America likes an underdog. I think there's a chance you could be our ext president.
  3. Sexual equality - Women comics are not funny. Sorry. But it's true. They can be alright, but not funny. So, what happens when 6 of your 12 people are women? Yep...half your cast blows ass. So, the producers believe in making the house equal...
  4. Being old does not make you funny - Yes, I will laugh at you... the key is at. You could stand there eating Cream of Wheat and it would be just as funny as your menopause jokes.
  5. They had one funny guy on the show! - It's a comic show and they had one funny guy! 1? Are you f'in with me? How did everyone else get through the screening process? Was it a pulse check and a "probe" to get on the show? Let's get some more rigorous standards here...

And this went on way too long and was way too I'm going to back out. End of the day...Josh Blue sucks at comedy...America voted him the winner because he's crippled...I will not watch the show again.

1 comment:

The Fab Miss B said...

Seems to me that the joke is on you, my friend, since you spent a minimum a half an hour a week on that sh*t.


P.S Sarah Silverman is pretty funny. Did you ever see Jesus is Magic?