Monday, August 07, 2006

The pen is mightier than the sword...

Apparently, the old axiom is true; the pen is mightier than the sword. And, yet again, I have taken my pen and hurt someone's feelings through my demeaning sense of humor.

For those of you who don't read me very often, I like to take small giblets of truth and low them out of proportion; kind of like the whole Paris Hilton facade. But you have to understand that very little of what I write is the truth. Sure, there is a grain of truth, but then, it's up to my imagination to create something.

The offending post has been removed, and be assured, it was my own imagination that came up with the post. The only point of fact was the person was in a hurry and knew that if they passed you, they would end up talking for a bit and the delivery would not have been timley.

Before judging, please take a look through the archives at the stories my imagination created: a tall taco peeing next to me, being stranded on a deserted island with Keanu Reeves and Emilio Estevez living in hell. See...they all start with a point of fact and are embellished by me.

So, if anyone deserves the brunt of the blame, it is my imagination. I call him Zococoa and he can be found behind the left half of my off-kilter brain. Be he has ADD.

That's the word. So, to everyone out there, remember...the pen is mightier

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