Wednesday, December 16, 2009


at least it got above zero yesterday. didn't. I forget how cold it is in the winter until it's actually here. And when it's actually here, I want it to leave. Kind of like if you have a party and invite Ted Danson. At first you think, "Man, that's going to be fun. Ted Danson is coming to my party!"

Then, 3 am rolls around, everyone is gone, except for Ted Danson. And you just can't get him to leave. And all he keeps doing is talking about Whoopi being "The one that got away." until you just want to clobber yourself in the face with a printer...


YBLJ22 said...

It would help if you wore a coat.

ban said...

Why did Alison tell you that I still don't wear a coat?

YBLJ22 said...

No, just a guess. Coats are a lot of work. You have to get it out of the closet, put one arm in, and then the other arm, then you have to zip it up!. Plus you have to do that all in reverse when taking it off. And you may have to do this sesveral times a day. Waaay to much effort!