Friday, March 13, 2009


So, I'm on the phone with my mom yesterday and I get to have this interesting conversation:

Mom: So, I was reading in the paper about the new male fashion.
Brent: What's that?
Mom: It's called a mirdle.
Brent: What's that?
Mom: It's a male girdle. I thought you may be interested.
Brent: Huh?
Mom: Yeah, so you can suck a little of that side fat in.
Brent: Wow. Maybe I should wear a paper bag over my head too? Keep the general public from getting grossed out?
Mom: Well, I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but that's not the worst idea you've ever had...

Thanks mom. Thanks...


Anonymous said...

they're all close relatives of the "Bro" -- or "manzier" if you prefer

ban said...

I lived with him for forty years, I never saw him trying on my underwear. As soon as he leaves the house he turns into J. Edgar Hoover!