Thursday, March 18, 2010

It was a good run...

Well, my visitors to the site looking for naked pictures of Betty White have started to turn into a trickle. From a high of 93 visitors, we're down to around 20 a day. Since I assume no one was coming to the site twice to look for nudie Betty White pictures that aren't there, we're looking at at least 470 different people who came here, trying to find some Betty White skin.

I don't really know what to do with that. Should I be impressed? Sad? Weirded out? I think, mostly, I'm weirded out. Though I guess I can't imagine some of the searches some of the mutants of this world I guess there are tons that would be weirder and worse than this...

Still though...I wonder how many are looking for current naked pictures of Betty White. I'm guessing at least 1%. That means at least 4 people came on here looking for current nude pictures of Betty White.

And that, that my friends, is where everyone needs to draw the line. I just shuddered a little. Blech...

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