Monday, November 07, 2005

The Pi Effect...

Here are 3.1415 things I was thinking about on the Hohn (that's Spanish) today...

1) The turn-around on The Show To Be's "Hey Jerky, What's Your Beef" has been both epic and astounding. I think it rivals Moses lasting all 40 days of the flood and the 1993 Braves catching the San Francisco Giants for the pennant. Maybe it's all my tireless campaigning and annoying all my friends with e-mails. Maybe it's because Pete has figured out it's pretty easy to delete the cookies and vote again. Or maybe, and I strongly think this is the real reason, just maybe, the Macho Man Randy Savage really wants me to snap into a Slim Jim. If this were sponsored by Slim Jim's. Which it's not. Either way, if we keep this up, I'm gonna have the biggest Jerky Party this side of the Mason-Dixon line! So, go vote for me!! Holler!!

2) Hi...Fred need to stop all that Jibber Jabber until you can learn to cover a one armed girl scout in a wheelchair. Yeah. Scottie Vines worked you yesterday. Who's Scottie Vines? Exactly! Hope you enjoy your time in the Federal-Pound-Me-In-The-Ass-Prison. (In the Kool-Aid Man Voice) Oh Yeah!!

3) I was accosted in the LifeTime locker room today and I barely survived. I feel just like Bambi, if Bambi had been mentally raped by some fat Asian dude in a green speed-o who walked with a limp and took about 15 minutes to walk 4 feet while staring at him the whole time. Yeah, me and Bambi have a lot in common...mentally.

.1415) On a scale of 1 to awesome, adding is an 8.

Peace it!!

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