Monday, March 22, 2010

I figured it out...

I've figured out the imbecile litmus test. Strangely enough, it was because of Drew Carey and the Price is Right.

If you are the first person of four to guess the price for an item and your guess is one dollar, that means you're an imbecile. If you can't figure out the meaning behind the one dollar wager on the Price is Right and when to use it, you might as well just give up right now. Because, odds are, not only will life be too hard for you...breathing will most likely be too hard for you...

Sidenote: I bet it stung a bit when the fourth person bet two dollars, didn't it? End Sidenote


Toast said...

Congrats on breaking 10000 visits to the site. I really was hoping to be # 10000 but looks like I will have to settle for 10004

ban said...

When one of your dreams is to be the 10,000th visitor to my need to aim higher son!