Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I don't know if anyone watched AG on Monday night, but in the second half, they had a dude with one leg on the show, which is all well and good. And it was a happy moment when he finished the eliminator, but seriously...

watching him go through some of those events was painful. There was just no chance of him flying up the net, or getting across the tight rope, or running down the barrel roll. Just crazy.

I'm happy for him, but I also doubt someone who is blind would do very well on the show. Basically, what I'm saying is, Jerry got a cheap win and I hope he loses next round...

Sidenote: Rocketball is SWEET!


Michelle said...

Well, to be fair, he only "finished" because they turned OFF the reverse escalator after about his 602nd attempt at runnig up it. I'm just sayin'... Okay, so I'm going to hell for ripping on a one-legged man. There are worse things in life, right?

On a related note, Helga really creeps me out.

ban said...

You've commented what I wanted to say but didn't have the guts to mention. I shall now bow my head in a shame induced bow...