Thursday, October 16, 2008

Phone call...

So, I'm sitting at my computer yesterday morning, trying to figure out a way to salvage my fantasy football team, when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and didn't recognize the number. Typically, I screen those calls, since I don't normally talk to people, but I thought, "just go for it Brent...confront your fear!" and I picked up the phone.

Brent: Hello.
Caller: Good morning Deb.
Brent: I think you have the wrong number...Susan.
Caller: Huh? What? Oh, wrong number. Sorry.

He thought I sounded like a Deb? DEB! He got me confused with someone who I can only assume is his daughter from his second marriage (I have an active imagination).

But I showed him. Bet he's writing a similar blog now about how he called a wrong number and the guy he talked to thought his name was Susan.

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