Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hey, BO guy...

Note to BO guy at Target...here is the list of social conventions you were breaking while you were smelling up the Target...

1) Do not talk on your cell phone and ignore the cashier while she's trying to get you to pay for your items. Though you may think you are, you are not important. You can set up your date with Trannies 4 U later...

2) Do not walk around with the most foul smelling BO ever. You smelled like a gallon of milk, left behind a heater, next to Dustin Diamond. Gross!

3) Do not buy your beer at Target. You know that's not real beer, right? Right? Too busy to stop in across the street? Eh...I'm sure it will roofie up as good as a real beer, right?

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