Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cruising with Jesus??

So I'm driving down the street and I see one of those crappy PT Cruisers ahead of me. Which is all fine and dandy, I don't judge people for what they drive...or how much of a hippie they are. Regardless, this one had something wrong with it. On the back window, there was a saying going all the way across..."Cruising with Jesus."

Get it? Since they were in a PT Crusier, and they were right with the Lord, they were "Cruising with Jesus." clever. So clever it made me dry heave a bit. This goes right along with the lame Ford Focus I saw that said "Focused on Faith."

If I see a Honda Accord rolling down the street that says "According to God." I may open up fire. It's at least a 75 percent possibility. Bacon and hot links for all!!

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