Friday, March 18, 2005

Apprentice IX

I’m going to lay it on the table. I normally hate special editions of reality shows. If the parts were so ‘special’, why weren’t they in the original episode? I hope I’m wrong here.

God, I feel bad for them. They’re all stuck in “Training Video Hell.” Seems every restaurant has these. However, I did learn the “Sullivan Nod” when I watched one of these at Chi-chi’s. It’s when you subtly nod your head when you’re asking the person if they want something, such as (whilst nodding) “You want a Diet Coke”. Apparently, this gets them to drop all inhibitions and order what you’re selling. I want to know who this Sullivan is and how big his team of monkeys was that came up with this.

FYI: I just googled “Sullivan Nod” and the first entry says it even works over the phone. I can’t make this stuff up…

That woman flicked Danny off after she honked at him. She must have been upset with his performance in the first episode…or maybe the fact that he looks like Shaggy got under her skin…

If anyone is going to become an axe murderer from this show, it will definitely be Chris. Or Danny.

Honestly…I hate flashback shows. They really draw my ire. Which is why I’m cutting it off early, but I will leave you with these naked pictures of Bea Arthur. Bea Arthur? Outstanding!

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