Friday, April 01, 2005

Apprentice XI

I am so pumped for Chris to go insane, I can’t even describe it. It’s like when they unveiled the new flavor of Dorito’s; I haven’t slept for days and I’m beginning to wonder if life can even continue after such a monumental event (letdown alert! Letdown alert!) If NBC made this seem bigger than life…I may jump. Off of what, I won’t say…

I really can’t stand Trump. If I had a magic lamp, one wish is him and Mark Cuban go toe-to-toe in the Octagon…to the death. If only I had a magic lamp…

Wow! Six whole pizzas! Awesome!

I think hitting the dorms is a really good idea. Especially if the kids are stoned. Or even if they’re not stoned, they’ll probably still buy pizza. But they’ll buy more if they’re stoned. What if they made a cross-promotion with free weed but actually use oregano? C’mon folks; cross-promotion!

I don’t think Alex was hitting on those girls. I mean really, if you think about it, those were some “white ribbon at the county fair” chicks. Isn’t Alex better than that?

Physically, I don’t think Trump could have been a rapper in a former life. I mean really, rap didn’t start until the 70’s. He was born before the 70’s. Do the math Kendra.

Tana is such a nerd.

Damn you NBC! Why? Why must you always hype an event so much and then have it be such a letdown? Your previews are like the Crystal Pepsi of the cola world!

My prediction for a winner after week 10: Still Kendra. I guess. No one did anything though. Whatever.

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