Monday, February 11, 2008

20 piece mug set...

OK, so anyway, I'm in Target, trying to find a vortex to another world so I can escape the shopping. I've looked everywhere, to no avail. Finally, as I was just about to throw myself in front of a passing cart, I noticed something that intrigued me.

On the end cap (you know, where they put the stuff they really want you to buy) I spied a 20 piece Miller Lite Mug set for $19.99. Hmmm...not a bad deal I thought, if I were in the market for something like that, which I wasn't.

But, I know people who enjoy a good mug set and they might enjoy a 20 piece set from Target. Then, I got to looking at it closer. Here's the breakdown of what came in the 20 piece set:

* 1 Bottle opener (ok, that seems you really need more than 1?)
* 4 Miller Lite Mugs (ok, that seems okay, but we're only at five items here and there are 15 left to go. Something seems fishy)
* 15 Coasters

15 Coasters!!?!? What in the world are you going to do with 15 coasters? Have 3 of your closest friends over, give everyone a mug and then give 3 of the people 4 coasters and one gets the shaft because they only get 3? Are they afraid you'll lose them? Might there be a tragic coaster accident and they'll snap like so many twigs?

But why stop at 15? They seem like they grow on trees. Why not put 30 coasters in there...or at least a number that is divisble by 4 so everyone can have an equal amount on coasters. Cripes!

I don't mind that they put coasters in the set. That's fine. But let's not advertise it as a 20 piece set. If we're doing that, might as well count the box and the instructions (open beer, pour beer) as two more pieces and it's a 22 piece set.'ll get a receipt from the thing...that's a 23 piece set right there. Magic!!!

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