Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Name change...

Brent: Hi, we just got married in October and we need to change the last name on the account for Alison.
Balki: Oh, congratulations. Come on back.
Brent: OK, thanks.
Balki: All right. Now, do you have your marriage certificate?
Brent: No, but we have her new social security card with her new name.
Balki: Hmmm...that could be a problem.
Brent: Really? You know you need to have a marriage license to get the name changed on the social security card, right?
Balki: Yeah, but you need the marriage license to change the name on a checking account. Let me make a call.
Balki: On the phone, speaking in some language I couldn't understand
Balki: OK, they will only accept the marriage license.
Brent: You mentioned that we needed the marriage license to change the name on the social security card, which is a much more difficult process than changing a name on a bank account, right?
Balki: Yes.
Brent: And?
Balki: You come back Monday at 9 with marriage license.
Brent: Ugh. Fine.

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