Monday, December 17, 2007

Rhode Island??

So, Alison and I are watching old episodes of 48 Hours Mystery since the writers' strike is having an adverse effect on decent television to watch (I can only hope that the writers on The Hills can keep it up and they force Spencer to continue to rock it out with his flesh-colored beard).

Anyway, obviously, someone has reached an untimely demise, because that's the point of 48 Hours Mystery. So, this cop is trying to figure out the identity of "Castro Valley's Jane Doe". Castro valley is in California, by the way. (Go geography!!)

And they're interviewing him, and he says the following:

"She could be from anywhere. She could be from Louisiana. She could be from Rhode Island. She..."

Rhode Island? How in the butt do you think that one up? If I were thinking of states that someone could be from, Rhode Island doesn't even appear on the list before Denial (The state of denial...get's clever...take that Cleaver), which is the state this d-bag is living in if he thinks anyone who's watching this (me, Alison, his mom) thinks he's clever at all...

Anyway, here's the end of what would be my personal state list:

54. Denial
55. Perpetual Bliss
56. Oregon
57. Hamburger University
58. Pohnpei
59. Anarchy
60. Rhode Island


Anonymous said...

... do you mean Pompei where Vesuvius erupted killing lots of people?

ban said...

Nope, I meant Pohnpei, one of the 4 states of the Federated States of Micronesia. Didn't you go to college??