Thursday, February 14, 2008

Randy Jackson?

So, we're watching American Idol, you know, listening to Simon rip on people and watching anyone and everyone tower over Ryan Seacrest, when all of the sudden, the following happened:

Person A: Hey, did you guys know Randy Jackson is Michael Jackson's brother?
Entire Room: stares at Person A in disbelief
Person A: Well, he is.
Brent:, he isn't.
Person A: Hmmm...well, someone told me that.
Brent: Well, someone lied to you...

Good times. Good times. I bet if Person A ever sees that guy again, he's going to put him in a comma!


Unknown said...

i hate you

Unknown said...

and the conversation didn't go like least not exactly

ban said...

Meh...most things don't happen *exactly* like I say they least I kept your name out of it...

Anonymous said...

person A = joseph
person A = Toast

i'm trying to figure it out

ban said... does seem like something Toast would say. wasn't Toast; it was Joseph. Who pretty much outted himself after I tried to keep his name under the hat. Unwell played Joseph. Unwell played indeed...

Anonymous said...

In defense of Person A, Michael does have a brother named Randy. It's just not that Randy Jackson. Haha!

ban said...

Someone knows a weeeee bit too much about Micahel Jackson...